Neuroma Treatment in Novato, CA

Neuroma Treatment in Novato, CA

A neuroma is a condition where the nerve tissue thickens and can occur in many different parts of the body. In the foot, neuroma most commonly occurs between the third and fourth toe of the foot, called Morton's neuroma. The neuroma does not have any clear physical symptoms such as swelling, a lump, or a knot. However, one may feel numbness, cramping, or tingling in the toes or the foot's front part. Sharp, burning pain in the ball of the foot may also indicate Morton's neuroma. Some even complain of a feeling similar to standing on a pebble.

Cause of Neuroma

It may not be possible to pinpoint the exact cause of neuroma. However, pressure, irritation, or injury to the nerves that lead to the toes may cause the condition. Those with existing foot issues such as flat feet, bunions, or hammertoes are at risk of developing Morton's neuroma.

Constant physical activities such as running or playing sports that exert pressure on the ball of the foot are also found to be one of the causes of neuroma in the foot. Since high-heeled footwear also applies pressure on the foot's heel, women who wear high heels suffer from this issue. Narrow-toe shoes tend to pressurize the foot to change its natural shape resulting in possible nerve damage leading to Morton's neuroma.

Treatment for Neuroma at Clement Podiatry

If you feel pain in your forefoot or heel of your foot, there is a possibility that you have a neuroma. If the pain is not too severe, plenty of rest, applying an ice pack, or wearing loose footwear may help. In case of severe pain, it is best to visit a podiatrist.

At Clement, we diagnose issues such as a neuroma and offer effective treatment so that performing your routine tasks does not seem painful. Anti-inflammatory medication, shoe inserts, and modification to footwear can help with the condition. If these remedies do not help over the course of about six months, our certified podiatrists may perform Morton's surgery to help relieve the pain.

If you think you may have Morton's neuroma, do not hesitate to give us a call right away. We will ensure effective treatments are suggested until you are pain-free and can go about your daily activities with ease.

Call Clement Podiatry at (415) 898-4828 or schedule a consultation online to learn more.


1615 Hill Road, Unit E, Novato, CA 94947

Phone: (415) 898-4828

Office Hours

Monday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday : 9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday : 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Friday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday : Closed

Sunday : Closed

Get in Touch


Phone: (415) 898-4828