Tendinitis Treatment in Novato, CA

Tendinitis Treatment in Novato, CA

Tendinitis is a common condition where the tendon, or the thick fibrous cord that attaches the muscle to the bone, becomes inflamed and irritated. When experiencing tendinitis, the area feels tender and can cause pain. While anybody is prone to tendinitis, it is most common among adults over the age of 40 because tendons take less stress as they age.

While tendinitis is known to occur in any part of the body that contains a tendon, the most common body parts where tendinitis is experienced are the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, the base of the thumb, and Achilles tendon.

Causes of Tendinitis

While an injury may lead to tendinitis, the most common cause is the repetition of the same movement. Jobs, hobbies, and sports are the primary reasons for repetitive movement. Other causes of tendinitis include the following:

  • Conditions such as arthritis, gout, or thyroid disorders
  • Overusing or sudden increase in the frequency of a physical activity
  • Incorrect posture
  • Improperly placed bone

Symptoms of Tendinitis

The following symptoms of tendinitis occur at the point where the tendon attaches to the bone:

  • Mild pain that is felt especially when the affected area is moved
  • Swelling
  • Tenderness

Treatment for Tendinitis at Clement Podiatry

At Clement, if we suspect tendinitis, we first examine the affected area by performing a physical exam. We check the range of motion and signs of tenderness in the affected area. If required, we make use of X-rays, MRIs or ultrasounds to get a clear picture of the condition. Once the condition is diagnosed, we suggest the best treatment option.

At-home treatment options for tendinitis include plenty of rest, applying heat or ice packs, taking pain relievers, doing exercises, and wrapping the area with a compression bandage. In severe cases or in cases where home remedies do not suffice, supports, corticosteroid injections, physical therapy, or surgery is suggested.

If the symptoms mentioned above make you realize that you may suffer from tendinitis, simply give us a call at (415) 898-4828 so that we may offer the best possible solution so that you may resume normalcy as soon as possible.


1615 Hill Road, Unit E, Novato, CA 94947

Phone: (415) 898-4828

Office Hours

Monday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday : 9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Wednesday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Thursday : 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Friday : 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Saturday : Closed

Sunday : Closed

Get in Touch

Email: leilakermanidpm@gmail.com

Phone: (415) 898-4828